Chester Hades, previously known as Chester Long is a Sheriff Deputy with the Blaine County Sheriff's Office. Chester grew up in a suburb in Vice City where he lived with his brother Calvin Long. At a young age Chester and Calvin were abandoned by their biological parents. Chester as the older brother fought for both their lives so that they could survive. Chester and Calvin had both been drug addicts and drug dealers until they were 16 years of age were they met an old man named Edward Foster who invited them into his house and let them stay there. The house wasn't very big but it was a home that the brothers never had. After 2 years went by Edward Foster had gotten them fully off of drugs and rehabilitated. Edward Foster had then decided to adopt both boys as they were already apart of the family and Edward loved both of them as his own. Chester had met a girl named Jade. They spent every day together and went mountain climbing until Jade slipped and fell. Chester had caught her by the arm as he was below her but their hands slipped and she fell. They were planning their wedding and thought they would live forever yet it was fate that took her away from him and Chester began to hate himself for not being able to help to pull her back up. Chester began to grow out of shape and stopped eating, he was on the edge of a major break down due to the trauma that he went through.
On Chester's 19th birthday Chester, Calvin, Edward and Ed's 3rd grandson moved over to Los Santos where they ran a family weazel news business together, but due to Edward having to leave the town and go back to Vice City to go be with his best friend that was on the verge of death Chester had decided that he would apply for the BCSO and become a cop and change his life around. Chester was finally accepted and would train every day to get better and help the department. every night Chester would come home and tell his brother everything that happened that day. Chester would train Calvin with the knowledge he had and taught him a lot. Calvin went down to Vice City because he had gotten a job at a security company which he later owned and the handed over to his best friend. Chester had made so many friends in Los Santos and had become loved by so many. While working as a Correctional Deputy Chester had met an inmate named Kailynn Smith who Chester loves with his whole heart as she became a big part in Chester's life and was always there for him. A few days later after they had become friends Chester had let a lot of people down and put one of his coworkers life in risk. Chester had not taken this very well as he had tried taking his life shortly after seeing flashbacks of from the amount of people he had been the reason that they had died. Chester couldn't believe the fact that he didn't change and only hurt more people. Chester had taken his pistol from his duty belt and pulled the trigger and Chester fell to the ground with a gunshot wound to the head. Chester was then transported to Pillbox Medical Center where he was placed on life support and doctors done the best that they could to bring Chester back. Chester was then placed on Medical leave once he came out of his coma. This cause Chester to meet Elizabeth Cunningham and Travis Williams. A few days before Chester's suicide attempt Travis had also attempted to take his own life where he had failed as well. Chester went on a ride along with Travis who was then on duty as EMS and he made the decision that he would like to become apart of the LSFD as well and save lives. Chester became EMS. At the start of Chester's career in the BCSO Chester had met Joshua Hill who was a Senior Correctional Deputy at the time. They started to hang out more often and started to fall in love. 4 weeks after they had started dating Joshua Hill had already transferred to patrol. One day Chester received a text from Joshua asking if he would like to meet Joshua at the Yellow Jack Inn in Sandy Shores. Chester had waited for about an hour and Joshua came. Joshua was dressed in a suit and was in Karin Karuma. Joshua then told Chester to get in the car and go with him. When they left the Yellow Jack they headed to the prison and Chester was confused. As they arrived at the Prison Joshua had said " You know we have been doing for a while now right?"
Joshua then got on his knees and asked Chester to marry him. Chester couldn't believe it. He was happy again for the first time in a long time. They got married at the Del Perro Pier where the bloods came and supported the couple. The wedding day was the best day of Chester's life as it was a beginning for him.
Months later Chester and Joshua had decided it would be best to get divorced as it wasn't working out between them because they kept clashing at work and it was affecting their work environment. On the day that Chester got divorced he was at work at Pillbox as EMS with Ajax Hades who Chester had then known for quite some time now. Ajax then decided that he would adopt Chester and have him live him and Sera Dawn who is married to Ajax. Chester then contacted a lawyer and got the adoption approved.
A few weeks passed and Chester had been happy again, Chester then had a goal within the BCSO and wanted to join the Special Services division. Chester had finally made it into Special services and had also become a Doctor at Pillbox and specialized in surgery. Chester later on met Dahlia Bloom who plays a great role in his life and she had saved his life countless times.
Eliot Shaw who was the Sheriff of the BCSO at the time was like a father to Chester. Eliot would pick on Chester from time to time and also shout at him. The day Eliot Shaw died Chester was in a dark place. Chester had been on scene where he was trying to neutralize the situation where the Sheriff had a knife to his neck by Zane McClain (Marcel). Marcel had walked around the corner where he then stabbed Eliot Shaw. After Chester Had gotten Marcel in custody there were multiple officers over the Sheriff's body trying to get him back. Chester then told everyone to move as he was the only one on scene who was a trained medical professional and tried to bring back Shaw but failed. Leading to the point where Shaw was announced 11-44. Chester had blamed himself for the Sheriff's death but is doing his best to not let him down and make him proud in the hopes that he is looking down on Chester and smiling.